Here is a breakfast smoothie recipe. Now calm down. As you can see it isgreen, but it doesn’t taste green. So, let me explain. Every person I ever discuss this with usually wrinkles up their nose a bit, but upon tasting it, let’s just say they’re pretty impressed. The banana tends to overpower the spinach flavor at which you are currently wrinkling your nose, and you end up with a wonderfully sweet breakfast drink. Very filling, and usually about 250 calories.
Just think! You could start the day with 1 or 2 servings of the best vegetables there is for you, and you wouldn’t even know it.Well maybe you would, since spinach contains rubiscolins, which act like opiates. Spinach is full of iron and vitamins C and E. I always say, the one thing people can do to improve their health is to eat more greens! Here is the basic recipe. You can add in just about anything you dream up. Let me know if there are any fun concoctions you try in the comments below.